Frank Hribar, April 13, 1937 – June 13 2022, was born in Podbocje, Slovenjia. He left his country through the Austrian Alps, making his way to Canada settling in the Sisco Mines where he met his wife, Ana. They left to start a life in Toronto with their children Frank and Christina eventually making Bolton their home. He was a hard-working family man who always put his family first.
Cherished by his family, wife of 65 years, Ana, and his children Frank and Christina. Loved and adored by his grandchildren Rachel (Jesse), Andreja, and Mylissa. He will be missed by many friends and family.
The family would like to thank Headwaters Orangeville staff for their continuous care.
The family will receive their friends at the Egan Funeral Home, 203 Queen Street S. (Hwy. 50), Bolton (905-857-2213) on Thursday from 4 – 8 o’clock.
Funeral Mass will be held in Holy Family Roman Catholic Church, 60 Allan Drive, Bolton on Friday morning, June 17 at 11 o’clock.
Interment Assumption Cemetery, 6933 Tomken Road, Mississauga.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Arthritis Society is greatly appreciated.
Condolences for the family may be offered at www.EganFuneralHome.com
Ken Latif
Losing a father is one of the most difficult things you can experience. I’m so sorry you are going through this, but please know I’m thinking of you and your family. If you need anything, please let me know.”
Ken and Laila Latif
Tamer Farouk
Hi Frank,
I’m very sorry for your loss. Also sorry can’t make it to the funeral as I’m out of the country!
My deepest condolences!
Tamer Farouk
RLP Credit Valley
Rita Lange
My deepest condolences to Frank ( Junior) and the Hribrar family. May you find peace during this difficult time.
Many prayers to all of you for your loss.
Andrew Cimerman
Dear Ana, Frank, Christina, and Family,
With great sadness and all our love please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved husband, father, grandfather, and our cousin Frank. He was the rock of the family always striving to reach the highest goals and accomplishments, while also being a great family man with many friends.
I will always have fond memories of my cousin from when we were children in Slovenija to when I came to Canada where you opened your home for me.
He will always be with us in spirit and encourage us all to make a difference in the world. As well as showing us the importance of taking the time to be with our family and friends.
May Frank Rest In Peace for Eternal Life.
With our heartfelt condolences,
Andrew, Lori, Natalie, and Andrew Cimerman
Vsem želimo iskreno sožalje. Bil je zelo dober in plemenit človek. Radi se ga bomo spominjali.
Andreja, Aco, Lara Miklavž
Sv. Križ – Podbočje, Slovenija
Julia Cappellina
Frank, I am sorry for the loss of your father. Please accept my deepest sympathies to you and your family. Let the memories provide comfort in your journey through this loss.
Ken Cumberbatch
My deepest condolences to you, Frank , your mom, Ana, your dear sister and the rest of your family , on the very sad passing of your beloved dad, Frank Sr. Requiescat in Pace! May God give you all strength to continue living with sweet memories of your lifetime, together!
Linda Labao
I would like to express my condolences on the loss of your father. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Joe Cimerman
Dear Ana, Frank, Christina, and Family,
With our deepest condolences and heartfelt prayers to all of you for the loss of your beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather Frank.
I grew up with the memory of my older cousin Frank who had left his mark of a large “1956” in our barn to mark the year that he left Slovenija for Canada, which is still there today. He left his mark not only in Slovenija but also here in Canada with his family, friends, and the people who were fortunate enough to know him.
Frank, you will be greatly missed, fondly remembered, and may you Rest in Peace.
With Our Deepest Sympathy,
Cousin Joe Cimerman and Family
Renee and Jason Clarke
Our deepest condolences to Frank , your mother Ana, your sister Christina and to the Hribar family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
May Frank R.I.P.
Renee and Jason
Sv. Kriz-Podbočje vasica pod Gorjanci. Na eni strani teče reka Krka na drugi strani pa se vzpenja hrib Starega gradu in Bočja. Tu se bohotijo prekrasni vinogradi. To je tvoja vas Frank.
Ko si se po dolgih letih vrnil domov, si potočil solze ob pogledu na mogočno cerkev, katere zvonik ti poje danes v slovo.
V otroških in mladih letih si se veliko zadrževal pri Rajerjevih in z atetom Drečkom sta si bila kot brata.
Ate Drečk in vnuk Lovro še vedno rada zaigrata na orgljice, ki si jih podaril oz. poslal iz Avstrije, ko si se odpravil v svet. S svojimi pridnimi slovenskimi rokami si si ustvaril dom in blaginjo na tujem. A bolj, ko so leta tekla, bolj te je srce vleklo nazaj.
Leta 2003 si se vrnil in svi skupaj smo odšli v akcijo. Pri Barbčevih na dvorušču smo postavili novo hišo. Kako si bil vesel, ko so nam fantje iz vasi priskočili na pomoč. Tudi vas sama je dobivala novo podobo. Sodelaval si pri obnovi vasi z novimi mostovi. Tudi tvoj, Barbčev most, daje pot novim stanovalcem tvoje prelepe hiše in parcele.
Zadnji obisk je bil že težak. Dvomljiv si bil, da se še kdaj vrneš. Frenk, lepo je bilo slišati, ko sta z atetom Drečkom obujala spomine. Veliko smo se smejali, jedli, popili kozarček vinčka, ki ti je bil tako dober.
Krževski zvon zvoni Barbču Frenku v slovo. Potok počasi teče skozi vas. Ljudje hitimo, leta hitijo, odhajamo eden za drugim… Ostajajo pa lepi spomini. Spomini nate Frenk. Večkrat zapojemo tvojo priljubljeno pesem “Lepa naša domovina…” in sedaj nas bo še bolj spominjala nate.
Želimo ti lep in miren počitek v zemlji na tujem. Tu v domače Sv.Križu pa te bomo nosili v srcu vsi, ki smo te imeli priložnost spoznati.
Hvala za lepe trenutke.
Rajerjevi- Drečk, Joža, Peter, Metka, Lovro, Aljaž
Urska, Taiwo, Noah
We’re so sorry for your loss. Sending you big hugs at this very difficult time. We’re with you in our thoughts. Whilst nothing can fill the void, on difficult days may all the good memories and happy times give you comfort.
anica cammara
Ana and family..
Our deepest condolences. As we remember all those great times at Slovenian ‘farms’. We shared some great food and laughs as we spent time reminiscing as life passed. We all came with little to Canada and make it work with lots of sweat with some good times on the side. Frank, we will miss you, may you rest in peace. Marinka & Joze Gortnar and family