The family will receive their friends at the Egan Funeral Home, 203 Queen Street S. (Hwy. 50), Bolton (905-857-2213) on Sunday, July 30 from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Funeral Mass will be held in St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, 11873 The Gore Road, Brampton on Monday morning, July 31 at 10:30 a.m.
Entombment Queen of Heaven Cemetery, 7300 Hwy. 27, Woodbridge.
If desired, memorial donations may be made to the Palliative Care Unit at Brampton Civic Hospital.
Condolences for the family may be offered at www.EganFuneralHome.com
Gaetano & Eugenia (Jean) Turcarolo
To Our Dear Friend Tony & Family:
We were greatly sadden and with broken hearts received the news of the passing of our dearest friend Francesca.
She was like a Sister to both Gaetano and myself. and there wasn’t a day that we did not call each other.
She will remain in our hearts and prayers forever.
May she rest in peace.
Sincerest condolences to you, Tony, Children, Grandchildren , Relatives & Friends.
Sentite condoglianze a Voi Tutti di Famiglia. La sua memoria, il suo coraggio, e il suo grande amore verso noi rimanera’
per sempre.
Condoglianze da parte dei mie Sorelle, Rosa Rossi, (Toronto) , Caterina Marino (Thunder Bay) e Famiglie
Vostre cari amici, Gaetano, Eugenia, David Turcarolo, Sandra & Rick Decaesteker
Janet & Chris Squibb
Such an incredibly beautiful and kind person. We loved having Fran as our neighbor and will miss her hospitality and her lovely smile. Miss you terribly already and you will always be in our hearts ❤️
Lina Argiro
Tony and family ,
Franca’s radiant smile will forever be remembered . At this heart broken time for you all , we will pray for you and for Franca that our lord grant her Eternal peace and that she and her beautiful memories shared bring all those she loved comfort ,
Our sincere condolences
Jeremy and Eileen
Tony, John and Family We are sorry for your loss, we send you our love and deepest sympathy, You are in our thoughts and prayers, God bless.
John Paonessa
Some of you knew her as Fran, Franca, Francesca, Aunt, or Zia. or perhaps, as Nonna. I knew her as Mom. Over the last few days, I have shed many tears for our loss. As my heart is deeply saddened that we have lost a woman Incredibly beautiful, kind, sincere, and truly loving. Her constant selflessness, and generosity is what most of you will remember her for. She truly battled every minute of the day to continue her fight, not for herself, but for all of us that she loved. She was strong, brave, and showed constant courage, as she did not show her sufferings to others, She held on as much as she possibly could, for everyone she loved, and truly suffered for all of us. But now it is our turn to suffer for her. We will suffer for her absence, for her smile, her warm hugs and kisses, and for her delicious cooking and baked goods, But most of all, we will suffer for the love she had for all of us. Please make room in your hearts, for the times that we shared with her, and those memories will last forever engraved within your hearts.
Mom, I hope I made you proud. I honestly did everything I could to support you, but I did not have the power to make you well. There will be a huge void in my life without you, and I will miss you so much. I love you, and please give me strength. As I will never be as strong as you. Don’t worry, I will take care of dad, as I did with you. Just promise me you will be waiting at the gates of Heaven, when God comes calling for me. As I will be looking forward in being with you once again.
I will always Love you Mom,
Your Son,
John (Giovanni)
Clorinda and Family
God has taken back his shining light but we all rest in the peace, comfort and knowing in His promise that things are on earth as they are in heaven and that her light will continue to shine , even brighter, upon us all so rest assured Tony, Rose, John and Family that she will in all ways be there.
Greatly missed already by Clorinda and family.
A beautiful soul taken to soon.
Our sincere condolences to the Paonessa Family.
Mary and Kelly
Sara and Nick
We are truly sorry for your loss. Losing a Mom is like no other. We send our deepest condolences to the Paonessa Family.
Nick and Sara
To Dear Frans family.
I am saddend by the sudden demise of our dear friend Fran.
May her soul rest in enternal peace ! My sincere condolences.
Friend from Canon Canada.Inc,
Bernadette Copeland
So sorry Tony and Family on your loss, Fran was a beautiful person inside and out. She will be greatly missed. May she rest in peace.
Jacquie Maertz
I have had the privilege of having Franca as my second mom and friend for the past 18 years. I have never met a more gracious lady who was sincere, kind, loving and warm hearted yet so courageous, strong and brave.
Thank you Franca for creating such a beautiful son who I get to share my life with.
You will forever be in my heart and missed so dearly.
Your daughter-in-law
Pearl Norman
Heartfelt sadness is expressed for one of the most exceptional ladies that we were blessed knowing and having her in our lives. Working with Francesca at Canon was an experience I will never forget. May you Rest In Peace sweet lady.
All of our loving condolences to you, Tony and your family.
All our love,
Pearl, Jim & Dayna
Rose Filice
Dear Tony & family:
I don’t have the words to express how devastated I am to hear of Fran’s passing. She was not only my dear friend but we called each other “sisters”. We spent many nice times together talking about life. She was always so welcoming, kind, supportive and a truly beautiful soul. Each time I visited, you made me feel like family. You always amazed me with your strength and love. There is a big void in my heart from your passing. I will always miss you and remember you forever my cara bella sorella. Riposa in Pace bella sorella mia. All my love. Rose & Rob
I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Francesca, remember the most beautiful flowers always get picked first. May she be with her angels.
Our sincerest condolences
Bruce, Mitch and Evan Skelly
Rose Paonessa
Remembering you quietly in my own special way. Although you are missed, you suffer no more pain. You told me you were ready the day God would call your name. Tears flow as things here have not been the same.
If roses grow in heaven Lord, please pick a bunch for me. Place them in my mother’s arms and say they are from me. Tell her that I love her and miss her and when she turns to smile place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for awhile.
May your soul rest in peace. I pray that for you every day, my dearest mom. Until we meet again. ❤️